How Often Should I See A Chiropractor?
For people that are new to chiropractic care, one of the first things that they want to know is the frequency with which they will need to visit the chiropractor. This is a question that does not really have a straightforward answer. Chiropractors see patients for a variety of different reasons and every person has their own individual needs in regard to treatment.
If you are going to seek the care of a chiropractor, then there is a range of factors that can determine the number and frequency of visits. One of the key determining factors in this regard is going to be the purpose of care. Common reasons for chiropractic visits include regular maintenance, the treatment of an injury, help with the resolution of a health condition and care for athletes that are looking to improve performance and prevent injury. Each of these reasons has a different goal and they all require different care strategies.
For a person that is coming for general maintenance and wellness, the visits can probably be fairly limited. However, this still depends on the person’s medical history, whether they have had any injuries in the past, their general fitness level, occupation, if they have any health conditions and if they have any issues with pain or mobility.
At first, the chiropractor is probably going to recommend treatment that is a little more frequent. This will give the doctor and the patient a chance to work out some of the basic issues that the individual is facing. As some of the issues that the person is facing start to improve, the number of visits will probably decrease and once they have reached a good base level of wellness, the patient can probably just come on an as needed basis or schedule the occasional visit for an examination and some basic preventative care.
If the patient is recovering from an injury or facing a significant health issue, then the chiropractor is probably going to want to see more of them, but it really does depend on the type of injury, the health history of the individual and the treatment options that are available. For some situations, the doctor of chiropractic might be able to limit the sessions and prescribe more home treatment like exercise and diet. For others, the doctor may need to see the patient more to perform hands-on adjustments and to monitor progress.
Along with how frequent the visits need to be, another concern is the duration of the treatment program. Just as with frequency, the amount of time that you will need to see the chiropractor will vary depending on the circumstance. For a problem that is not particularly complex, there is the potential for there to be a resolution in just a few visits. For more complicated issues, it may take several visits over the course of many months. Once the issue has been resolved, you can then make a decision concerning the potential for regular maintenance.
When you first visit a chiropractor, they are going to perform an examination, ask questions about your lifestyle and review your health history. The information that they learn during this evaluation will help them to provide an initial assessment and that is when they will provide a recommendation for the frequency of visits. After some treatment, the chiropractor will reassess the treatment strategy based on the progress that has been made.
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