Chiropractic For Car Accident Injuries In Eau Claire WI
Auto accidents can cause a variety of chronic problems that if left untreated, may affect the victim’s quality of life down the road. Our chiropractors work with attorneys and auto insurance company’s to ensure our patients in the Eau Claire area get the best care possible.
Adjustments and therapies can help alleviate neck pain, back pain, numbness and tingling as well as headaches and fatigue caused from trauma and whiplash from car and automobile accident injuries.
Herniated Disks
Dr. Flood & Dr. Kelbel can help address back pain and other herniated disc symptoms starting by evaluating your entire spine.
The appropriate chiropractic treatment is unique to each whiplash injury and is evaluated during the chiropractic exam.
Soft-Tissue Injuries
A soft tissue injury is the result of a sprain, strain or bruise to a muscle tendon or ligament. Recovery from a soft-tissue injury is greatly improved with proper treatment.
What Will Your Chiropractic Visit Include?
Specific x-rays are taken to determine ligament instability as a result of the accident. These films get sent to a third party to determine the extent of those injuries. Many times, ligament damage can occur even though the victim is not experiencing much pain from the car accident. These types of injuries can be debilitating years down the road if not treated correctly by a Chiropractor. The results of these x-rays will determine if the injury constitutes a whole body impairment rating.
If you have recently been an a car or motor vehicle accident in the Eau Claire WI area and have been injured because of it, contact Dr. Flood today of ClearWater Chiropractic to set up an initial meeting and to figure out if a chiropractor is right for you.
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