Chiropractics and Fatigue
How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Fatigue
Fatigue is a warning signal within the body. Experiencing fatigue is an indicator that something is wrong. This may be a lifestyle or health related. Unfortunately, we’re not always so in tune with our bodies as to notice that our fatigue level is unusually high, or that it isn’t normal to be so fatigued all the time. When you’re repeatedly fatigued, day in and day out, it’s time to evaluate what in your life may be causing it.
What a Chiropractor Can Do For Fatigue
Chiropractors are well-trained in balancing the body and optimizing the body’s natural systems so that they work properly, efficiently, and in harmony with all the other systems. Even minor adjustments can make a major difference in improving a person’s quality of life.
The first step to a proper adjustment is determining possible reasons why you may be feeling so fatigued. Chiropractors have a number of techniques up their sleeves to deal with specific health needs.
A Better Night’s Sleep Through Chiropractic Care
Research has found that chiropractic care has been found to create a better, more restful sleep in adults and children. As we all know, a night of interrupted sleep, snoring, or sleep apnea can lead to a day full of exhaustion. Chiropractic adjustments to the lumbar, spine, skull, subluxation, and mid-thorax, were found to alleviate these issues, thus allowing for more restful, meaningful sleep. After several weeks of chiropractic treatment, it was found that those who formerly snored no longer did, and they woke up feeling more refreshed and energized. Even the busiest of persons can benefit from a simple once a week or biweekly visit in order to increase the effectiveness of their sleep.
Increasing Nerve Energy
One common cause for fatigue is an imbalance or impairment in the flow of nerve energy. In the normal human body, energy flows in a cycle from the brain to the spinal cord and then to the tissues of the body before flowing back to the brain. However, this normal energy flow can be interrupted and thrown off by an unbalanced spine. This is where a chiropractor comes into play. A chiropractor can work to realign the spine into proper position, thus opening up the energy pathway to flow through the body in a proper and efficient cycle, enhancing the amount of energy a person has each day. Allowing the spine to remain unbalanced can lead to both emotional fatigue, as well as physical fatigue.
Coping with Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disease in which the individual suffering constantly feels tired and worn out, despite a good night’s rest, naps during the day, or a day of relaxation.
Research is still being conducted on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but it is thought to be caused by a common virus called Epstein-Barr. Epstein-Barr is the same virus that is responsible for causing mono (or mononucleosis), and most American adults are carriers of the virus. Some estimates put carriers at around 90% of all Americans. The crazy thing about Epstein-Barr is that many infected individuals will go their entire lives without ever experiencing a single symptom from the virus. Others may suffer from mono, and go on to have Chronic Fatigue, and still others may only experience one disease or the other. While there is little that medicine can do to treat Epstein-Barr, the good news is that promise has been shown in the area of chiropractics for treating the fatigue that is associated with Chronic Fatigue caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.
For one, a chiropractor can relieve the body of neurological stress and stressors that can exacerbate the problem by further tiring the body, and tying up valuable resources that would otherwise be used to fight off the virus. Additionally, a chiropractor can recommend nutritional supplements and stress reduction techniques to maximize the effects of the adjustments and the body’s ability to heal and return to optimal levels.
Fatigue Due to Mental Illness or Emotional Stress
If your fatigue is coming from a mental issue, such as depression, a chiropractor can help with that too. Depression is both a psychological and biological disorder. It is believed that depression is a result of an imbalance of hormones in the brain. Because chiropractics works specifically with the nerve system, and the brain is a part of the central nervous system, it has the ability to assist in treating the symptoms of depression. This is done by stimulating the central nervous system, equalizing and balancing it, allowing for it to function at optimal levels. When the central nervous system is working at optimal levels, the hormones of the central nervous system can be managed more efficiently, thus balancing out the imbalances that may be present. 6. Syntax, punctuation and other customers’ minds in the loss namely, the European price before you don’t have to focus on reviewing your essay. 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