Infant and Child Chiropractic Care Vs Adult Chiropractic Care
Due to its wide-range of health effects and benefits, chiropractic care has long been recognized by many health care experts and chiropractic patients. Among the primary advantages of chiropractic care is it provides an alternative method of managing several health problems in a much lesser price compared to other treatment methods. Indeed, Chiropractic care is widely applied on many adult patients but today, many chiropractors are also practicing its proven methods on children including infants.
With children and infants in mind, questions regarding the safety of chiropractic care on young patients have become an issue among health care providers and many individuals. Additionally, questions like “How is infant or child chiropractic care different than adult chiropractic care?” have been raised. Although chiropractic care among adults and young children are almost the same, there are certain differences to properly meet the age and needs of young patients. But before discussing those differences, you should first know what chiropractors do and how they manage certain health conditions.
What do chiropractors do?
Chiropractic care is done through the manual manipulation of joints, bones and muscles in managing several neuromuscular conditions such as lumbar disc herniation and lower back pain. Benefits of chiropractic care include decreases in pain sensation, enhancement of sensory perception, gives relief from joint and muscle pain, Mmanages bone misalignment, improves energy and much more.
Specific Differences of Chiropractic care among adults and among Infants and Children
Just as adults, children who need chiropractic care are also at risk for neuromuscular conditions especially during birth and delivery. Studies have shown that chiropractic care to younger individuals is safe as that of adults. The following are specific differences between adult and child chiropractic care.
1. Differences on the conditions to be treated
In adult patients, conditions that need to be addressed are usually brought about by excessive muscle straining as a result of stressful work. However, the most commonly managed condition among infants is the trauma they have acquired during their birth. In children, chiropractic care is usually done due to trauma to the different body areas as a result of accidents from various causes such as playing.
2. The kind of Treatment: Corrective treatment vs. Symptomatic treatment
In most cases, adults seek chiropractic care to manage the symptoms they feel which includes pain and numbness in the extremities. On the other hand, children are given chiropractic care to correct their posture as they are at high risk in developing poor posture. Children’s bones are also easily corrected as they are not as intact as that of adults.
3. Differences on the Methods
While observing the procedure, you will most probably see that the way chiropractors manually manipulate the bones and muscles of adults is different from the manipulation done among children. This is because the skeletal and the muscular system of younger children are still underdeveloped. Chiropractors usually exert high amounts of effort when doing the massage to adults but use just little amount of effort when performing it on children ensuring their safety.
Chiropractic care is generally safe as an alternative to other treatments. There are numerous studies which support Chiropractic ideas and procedures. In fact, thousands who have undergone chiropractic treatments have claimed its success and efficiency.
We do treat children including infants as well as adults at ClearWater Chiropractic!