It’s blueberry season, so we thought we would share some interesting facts about this superfood!
Blueberries — Antioxidant Superfood
Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory.
“Inflammation is a key driver of all chronic diseases, so blueberries have a host of benefits,” says Ann Kulze, MD, of Charleston, S.C., author of Dr. Ann’s 10-Step Diet, A Simple Plan for Permanent Weight Loss & Lifelong Vitality. When selecting berries, note that the darker they are, the more anti-oxidants they have. “I tell everyone to have a serving (about 1/2 cup) every day,” Dr. Kulze says. “Frozen are just as good as fresh.” Be sure to include lots of other fruits and vegetables in your diet as well. Remember too that, in general, the more color they have, the more antioxidants.
Plan a family outing and pick some blueberries. Cain’s Orchards in Hixton is a fun place to pick blueberries as well as apples as we head into Fall. No time to pick? Watch for local orchards at the Farmer’s Market or various stands around the city. Buy some extra and freeze them for a nutrious, delicious treat in the middle of winter!