Why Drinking Water is Important for Your Health
Water is one of the essential components of life. The human body is mostly made up of water and almost every body function requires an adequate amount of this fluid to work properly. While there is some debate as to how much water every person should drink per day, there is one fact that cannot be denied. Getting enough water into the body on an every day basis is necessary to maintain the health of the individual.
A lack of water in the diet of a human being can lead to various health problems. Supplying the body with enough fluids not only helps to refresh the individual when they are tired or low on water, but it can also have a long list of health benefits.
The reason that a person needs to continually drink water throughout the day is because we are continually losing fluids. The human body loses water in a variety of ways including through sweat, digestion, urination and even breathing. With fluid continually escaping the body and being necessary for so many body functions, the need to replace the lost water is a constant concern.
Providing the body with an adequate amount of fluids is especially important for the digestive system. Water is not only necessary for the production of digestive fluids, but it also helps to keep the gastrointestinal tract moving. A person that does not get enough water will cause their digestive system to work harder and increase the risk of suffering from constipation.
Drinking enough water is also important to the health of your kidneys. Body fluids are part of the way in which the body transports nutrients and waste to and from the cells and the kidneys are used to filter the waste out of the blood stream. Getting an adequate amount of water helps to keep the kidneys working properly and it helps to keep them clean. A lack of daily fluids can expose the individual to a greater risk of forming a kidney stone.
Replacing drinks that are rich in calories and sugar with water can also be beneficial. Water by itself will not help the individual to lose weight, but the reduction in calories can be an important step. Water is also easier for the body to process than drinks that have a lot of added ingredients.
An adequate supply of water will also help to keep the muscles healthy and functioning properly. A lack of water can result in muscle fatigue and reduce the individual’s ability to function. This fact is especially important to remember during periods of high activity. If you are exercising or engaging in athletics, supplying the body with water will not only help to keep you cool and refreshed, but it will also keep the muscles working to their best levels.
The important thing that every person should remember is that getting enough water is essential to maintaining the proper balance of fluids throughout the body. With the body being made of approximately 60% percent water this obviously an important health factor. The general recommendation is that an individual should drink about 8 glasses of water a day. However, this is not a hard fact and it is really more of a guideline. The daily water intake for every individual will vary depending on certain physical factors. If you feel that you are not getting enough water, it might help to consult with a physician for advice about increasing your water intake and improving your diet.