5 Foods that are good for after a workout
Working out to improve your fitness can be rewarding and it can also make you feel better about yourself. When you are done working out, you may think that it is time to stop thinking about fitness, but there is one more thing to consider before you call it a day. The foods that you eat will play a major role in your fitness gains and there is no time that this will have more of an impact then when you have finished a workout.
Yogurt is a great source of protein and carbohydrates and this will make it one of the most beneficial things to eat after a workout. It is also a good source of the amino acid leucine, which can assist with muscle growth. Add some fruit or cereal to the mix and a serving of yogurt can be a nice reward after all of the time and effort that you spent on the workout.
Eating tuna can be great for your health no matter when you eat it, but it can be especially good for after a workout. Tuna can provide you with a good source of protein for after the workout, but it is also rich in B vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids. Not to mention, it is a great portable snack. You can carry a can of tuna and some crackers with you and have a quick, nutritious snack ready to go when you leave the gym.
Bodybuilders can find tons of value in eating eggs after their workout. With eggs, you get the protein, a range of other vitamins and nutrients and you get dose of choline, which is important for the health of your muscles. Another great thing about eggs is that they are versatile. They can be prepared in a variety of ways and served with other foods that can help to restore your after workout body.
Wholegrain Cereal
Some wholegrain cereal will also be a good power food for a post workout snack. With a good quality cereal, you can get a good level of carbohydrates, some protein and some fiber. Snacking on some cereal will recharge your energy stores and help your body to heal after an intense workout. Not only great for after the workout, this is one that can be good before, after or any other time.
Cottage Cheese
With cottage cheese, we have another value-packed post workout food. This is one that will be particularly good for bodybuilding. With the whey proteins and the casein, you get improved muscle gain and muscle healing from a food product that also fills you up without loading you up on fat. For the most beneficial snack, go with cottage cheese that is low fat and reduced sodium.
For staying fit, there are tons of great foods out there, but the main goal after a workout is to get protein and carbohydrates. The best option is to find foods that offer these elements and to eat them within an hour after the workout.